
Testimonial from Alexandra-Ioana Simon, participant in the 2nd wave of Citeuropass (February-April 2024)

« I have been very impressed by Citeuropass. It is very different from the other projects I have already participated in because it is very practical oriented. We had to work together with the students from other European universities on a real product, make a prototype and it was very challenging for me. I think it is a very serious project and I like the fact we had to realize something at the end. I also really appreciated the week in Grenoble which gave me the opportunity to meet the students with whom I worked during the three weeks online. I would like to thank the mentors and teachers for this amazing experience. »

Alexandra holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics and is currently undergoing Master studies in International Business at the ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (Romania

April 18th 2024

Grenoble (France)


Citeuropass Project Officer